Image credit: R. Weller, Cochise College
USGS National Minerals Information Center
USGS National Minerals Information Center
What is bauxite and alumina?
Credit: Scott Horvath, USGS. Public domain
Interactive 3D Model
Interactive 3D Model
- Laptop/Desktop: click model below
3D model courtesy of Prof. Dexter Perkins via license CC4.0-BY
bauxite chemical formula
bauxite chemical formula
Al(OH)3 with possible additional Al and (OH). Bauxite is not a single mineral. bauxite is a sedimentary rock of of one or more aluminum-bearing minerals. Thus, a single chemical compound does not usually characterize this material.
(interpreting mineral chemical formulas: atoms, molecules, elements)
not electrically conductive
not electrically conductive
Credit: No name provided, USGS. Public domain